"Indifference" on the Hohner Chromatic Accordion iPad App
Mimicking the layout of Hohner's iconic chromatic button accordions, both B-System and C-System, this intuitive virtual accordion is easy to play and sounds exactly like the real instrument.
The Hohner Chromatic Accordion has a 52-button treble button board and 36 bass/chord buttons.
Choose between B or C-System button layout using the layout selector on the edge of the screen.
The bass/chord side may be transposed up or down two semitones using the control at the bottom left of the screen. Note that when the pitch is transposed, the note labels do not change. This may be addressed in a future update. This feature expands the range of bass side by shifting the entire bass up or down two rows.
MIDI Control: The Treble sounds may be controlled via MIDI from external hardware or other MIDI player or controller apps.
Touch the "?" button to show/hide the button labels.
Touch the "i" button to show the volume/reverb/MIDI controls.
Set the MIDI channel for the treble side using the "MIDI Channel" slider.
Touch the Hohner logo for the help screen with links to the Hohner accordion website and Accordion Life online accordion lessons.
The Hohner Chromatic Accordion app allows musicians to practice chord combinations, scales, and songs on-the-go.
Headphones can be used for private practice, or the audio output of the virtual accordion can be amplified by plugging into computer speakers, or other sound enhancing devices.
This app is ideal for the beginning student or professional musician who needs a simple carry-on companion to compliment his or her actual accordion. While not meant to be a replacement for a real accordion, the app is a convenient and easy tool for practicing, learning, or teaching.
Be sure to turn off "Multitasking Gestures" in your iPad settings before playing this app! If the sound stops when you put four fingers down on the screen, then they are turned on!
Demo Video
Main screen
Touch the "?" to show the button labels
Most Common Support Questions
Q: The sound stops when I put four fingers on the screen. Help!
A: Go into the iPad Settings app, and disable the "Multitasking Gestures" feature.
If it is on, when you put 4 fingers on the screen, Apple completely takes over the system, stops the sound and starts switching between apps.
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