Regulators is a set of three drones (in two styles) and three regulators (Tenor, Baritone, and Bass) found on a full set of Uilleann pipes in the common keys of D, C#, C, B, and Bb.
Regulators is fully tunable +/- 50 cents in one-cent increments.
The app supports multitouch and independent playback of all three regulators at the same time.
Note: The Android version only supports single regulator play at this time.
Using the iPhone screen mounted on the leg with a short standoff, it is possible to play Regulators exactly as one would the physical instrument, turning the drones on and off with a switch and picking out the chords with the side of the hand.
Touch the regulator play mode icon just below the drone switch to toggle between two regulator auto-chord play and single regulator play modes.
On the settings page, you may select the drone style (Lynch or Crowley), the root key (D, C#, C, B, or Bb), overall tuning offset, the volume of each of the three regulators and the drones independently, as well as the overall reverb level. All settings are saved when the app exits.
The "Cents" slider on the settings page allows you to adjust the tuning +/- 50 cents in one-cent increments. Touch the displayed cents offset number to reset to zero.
The tuning feature allows you to play along along with historical recordings that may not be in exact standard pitches.
Regulators uses 16-bit 44 KHz, seamlessly looped audio samples of real sets, not synthesized tones, so is very realistic sounding. The samples all are tuned using proper just intonation relative to the drones.
Lynch drone samples recorded from my personal set. Crowley drone samples originally provided by Vinnie Kilduff.
Suggestion: To really enjoy this app, try pluging your iPhone into a powerful amplifier and speakers. The tiny speaker on these devices just can't do justice to the sounds of the drones and bass regulator.
Review by "Ed the Piper" (excerpt)
"Regulators is not just an app, it's an instrument in it's own right. It serves a number of functions that would be useful to students, players, composers and even Uilleann Pipe techs like me. this instrument basically mirrors a genuine set of regulators found on full sets of Uilleann Pipes but designed to be used on an iPad or iPhone. not only regulators but drones as well. so, in this app, you get your bass, baritone and tenor regulators as you can see on the screen shots, but also the bass, baritone and tenor drones... (more)"
Playing along with Seamus Ennis
For this demonstration, I recorded "The Sporting Pitchfork" playing my concert pitch chanter,
then overdubbed the drones and regulators using Regulators.
Click here to listen to piper Faliq Auri using the app for his recent recording
Archipelago's set: Mount Agung's Jig / Paris Van Java Jig
Main Screen
Single regulator play mode:
Chord play mode:
Regulator notes (key of D)
Kieran O'Hare and Seamus Egan with Regulators:
"An example of Regulators in action: this week, we've been in Boston rehearsing for the ninth annual edition of A Christmas Celtic Sojourn, a holiday show by WGBG's Brian O'Donovan. Seamus Egan, the music director, played for the assembled musicians at rehearsal his digitally realized conception of one of the arrangements--including drones, from this app. For my part, one piece in the show requires me to play the drones on the pipes for an extended period. For rehearsal purposes, I flicked on the app on my ipad to make my life easier on my elbows, and quite credibly, to create the sound of drones while working on the piece. We had a pleasant surprise and a laugh to see that we were both using this app in our professional lives..."
Q: That's a gorgeous bass drone puck, who made it?
A: The puck is from a 3/4 concert pitch set by Mike DeSmidt. He built the set while an apprentice with pipemaker Michael Hubbert and graciously allowed me to use the image for the app.
From Randall Mathews:
"Thank you for the gorgeous sounds. It really does make the heart sing.
What a brilliant way to experience the value of just intonation. I'm revelling in the experience.
I play a viola with an extra string (8 thou) which gives me fiddle range as well.
Just recently I brought the whole thing down a fourth, so it's an octave lower than a fiddle, and very relaxed,
perfect for drones and two note chords within tunes often in third position.
I'm using the Regulators for training this practice and it is superb.
Deeply into the tunes since 1978, last St. Patricks day I got to play 'the Cuilin' in the cathedral
during communion, and it was mind blowing."
From Michael Peyton:
"Just wanted to thank you for ur app. I got it 2 days ago just messing around on the iPhone.
I punched in uilleann figuring nothing would pop up and to my suprise I found your creation.
Well I love it and can't keep my pipes down..I have been stuck on a half set for 12 yrs and have a Seth Gallagher set.
Just havn't been able to buy the regs. So until I can throw 3 grand down I have this.
Wells thanks again and all the best!!!"
To learn more about the Uilleann pipes, please visit the following sites:
Patrick D'Arcy's Uilleann Obsession Site
Chiff and Fipple Uilleann Pipes Message Board
My thanks go out to Steve Pribyl, Ben Jaber, Patrick Maun, Fel Bautista, Daiv Boveri, Mike DeSmidt, and Patrick D’Arcy for their help beta testing the app.
For more information, please contact Michael Eskin or visit the AppCordions website: