SäckpipaKeys is an authentic sounding set of D/G Swedish Bagpipes (Säckpipa) in the form of a keyboard.
The Säckpipa is a simple mouth blown bagpipe with a single drone and a lovely, haunting sound.
Demonstration of SäckpipaKeys
Touch any key to start the chanter playing. Once started, the chanter plays continuously just like a real Säckpipa.
Play a melody on the chanter by touching the keys.
Touch the drone image to switch the drone on and off. The drone lights up in red when playing.
Stopping the drone also stops the chanter sound.
The volume balance between the drone and chanter may be adjusted on the settings page (touch the 'i' icon at the upper left).
Playing Tip: To make your playing sound more authentic and for repeated notes, quickly slide from an adjacent black key to the note you are playing to simulate a piping "cut" ornament.
You may play along with the music on your iPhone/iPod Touch by starting the music track playing using the iPod app, then launching SäckpipaKeys. Double click the home button to bring up the iPod controls while the app is running.
Audio samples provided by Jonathan Parker from a D/G Säckpipa, made in 1986 by Leif Eriksson.
The instrument images are from an Säckpipa built by Seth Hamon.
Touch the Säckpipa image on the settings page to visit Seth's website at www.swedishbagpipes.com.
Main screen, drone off
Drone on (lights up in red), playing a note
Touch the 'i' on the upper right corner to bring up the settings page
Touch the Tradlessons logo to visit my app catalog website.
Touch the Säckpipa image to visit Seth Hamon's website at www.swedishbagpipes.com.
Adjust the relative volumes of the chanter and drone using the sliders. All settings are saved when the app exits.
There are two sets of volume controls on your device, the overall volume control using the hardware buttons, and the drone/chanter balance controls on the back page of the app.
This allows optimal volume for a wide variety of uses and situations from live play, to use with headphones or plugged into an external amplifier.
If you experience any distortion or overloading, first try setting the app volume to mid-range, then increase the device volume as required.
You can also slide between keys.
For some real fun, run the output of your iPhone or iPod Touch through an external amplifier or outboard effects. I use a Roland Cube-ST portable amp that has both reverb and chorus effects, the end result is quite amazing.
Q: How do I play SäckpipaKeys?
A: Touch a key to start the chanter playing. Once started, the chanter plays continuously just like a real SäckpipaKeys chanter.
Play a melody on the chanter by touching the keys.
Touch the drone image to switch the drone on and off. The drone lights up in red when playing.
Stopping the drone also stops the chanter sound.
Q: How can I make my playing sound more authentic?
A: To make your playing sound more authentic and for repeated notes, quickly slide from an adjacent black key to the note you are playing to simulate a piping "cut" ornament.
Q: How do I play along with tunes in my iPad's music library?
A: First, using the device's Settings app, under General/Home, enable the "iPod Controls" setting to allow you to bring up the iTunes control panel by double-clicking the home button while the app is running.
Before launching SäckpipaKeys, start a tune playing in your iTunes music library using the iPod app on the device.
Next launch SäckpipaKeys.
While SäckpipaKeys is running you can double click the home button to bring up the iPod music controls.
On the controls, you can restart the track or adjust the music volume. Once you are done making adjustments, click the "Close" button.
In SäckpipaKeys, adjust the chanter and drone volumes relative to the background music by touching the 'i' icon at the upper left of the main screen, then use the volume controls on the settings page. All settings are saved.
Q: I'm not hearing any sounds on my iPhone! Help!
A: Make sure your ringer switch isn't in the "mute" position.
Olle Gällmo has extensive information about playing the Säckpipa on his Swedish Bagpipes website, including free online lessons, audio files, and demonstration videos.
Seth Hamon is a builder of fine instruments here in the USA: www.swedishbagpipes.com.
Here's a Dorian mode drone sample .mp3 file for the key of G you can play looped in the background on the iPhone/iPod Touch before starting up the SäckpipaKeys app:
Right-click and save the files to your hard drive, then sync them to your iPhone/iPod Touch using iTunes.
For Dorian mode, select the G major scale in the app, then play starting on the second scale tone.
Thank you to Ian Law for the suggestion.
None at this time.
I am very interested in any suggestions for features or improvements to the apps for future updates, please drop me an email anytime with your ideas!