"Tune This Dulcimer"
The World's Most Annoying Musical Game

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Annoy your friends and family and also have fun learning to tune a Hammered Dulcimer entirely by ear with this innovative new completely free music game!

"Tune This Dulcimer" is a simulator for learning to tune an out-of-tune Hammered Dulcimer.

It is designed to help you learn to quickly distinguish small differences in pitch between two notes.

This dulcimer is a standard 15/14 with fifth intervals across the bridges.

How To Play "Tune This Dulcimer"

There are 44 notes on this Hammered Dulcimer.

Most of them are randomly out of tune. A few here and there are left in tune to use as a starting reference point.

Your goal is to get them all in tune as quickly as you can. The timer counts up while you are working on the tuning.

Touch each note you want to tune.

Note indicator shows: Green = In-Tune or Red = Out-of-Tune

Touch the Tune or Tune Down arrows to bring the note into tune.

Tune the note too high and you'll break the string and end the game! The game will warn you when you're getting close to breaking a string or tuning way too low.

"Left to Tune" shows how many notes are still out of tune.

Touch "Start Over" to end the game and star with random new note pitches. A few random notes here and there will always be left in tune so you will have a new starting reference point.

Your tuning progress, best time, and time elapsed on the current set of notes are saved when you close the app so you can continue where you left off at a later time.

Touch the "?" on the upper left to hide or show the note name labels. For a real challenge, practice tuning the dulcimer with the note labels hidden.

Touch the "i" on the upper left to bring up the help screen and related links. On this screen you can also reset your best time.

Touch the "Shhh" icon on the upper right to quiet all the ringing strings.

Hammered dulcimer samples provided by Jesse Chappell

Screen Shots

Just starting off. I always make sure at least three of the 44 notes start out in-tune

Tune This Dulcimer

Only one more note to tune!

Tune This Dulcimer

Oh no! You broke a string and have to start over!

Tune This Dulcimer

All 44 notes tuned! You are a Hammered Dulcimer Tuning Master!

Tune This Dulcimer

Instructions and Credits
(Touch the 'i' in the upper left corner of the main screen)

Tune This Dulcimer Instructions

Try Not To Break the Strings!

Tune a note too high, ignore the warnings, and you'll break the string and have to start over!

Hammered Dulcimer Learning Resources

Here are some great websites where you can find free instruction and more information on learning to play the hammered dulcimer:

"Playing the Hammered Dulcimer in the Irish Tradition" by Karen Ashbrook

Jess Dickinson Free Hammered Dulcimer Lessons on YouTube

James Jones Hammered Dulcimer Resources

Bill Flanagan Hammered Dulcimer Resources

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